Mr. Warren Bell, Principal at WCHS, Tom Traylor, Agriculture Teacher at WCHS, Ernie Conner Director of Career and Technical Education for Warren County Schools, and Mr. Lehman, a local resident visited Washington High School in Beaufort County on August 17th to look at their Bio Diesel Production and Renewable Resources Program. They receieved a grant a few years ago to develop an educational program from the North Carolina Bio Fuels. The group met with Daniel Manzer, Agricultural Ed. Teacher from Washington High and Russell Holloman, Principal at Washington High. They provided a wealth of information on the program and how it could be implemented in Warren County.
Visit to Washington High School
Mr. Warren Bell, Principal at WCHS, Tom Traylor, Agriculture Teacher at WCHS, Ernie Conner Director of Career and Technical Education for Warren County Schools, and Mr. Lehman, a local resident visited Washington High School in Beaufort County on August 17th to look at their Bio Diesel Production and Renewable Resources Program. They receieved a grant a few years ago to develop an educational program from the North Carolina Bio Fuels. The group met with Daniel Manzer, Agricultural Ed. Teacher from Washington High and Russell Holloman, Principal at Washington High. They provided a wealth of information on the program and how it could be implemented in Warren County.