At Table From Left to Right: Josue Virella - VP Human Resources, Dameon Williams - Chief Financial Officer, Gabrielle Kearney - Chief Executive Officer, Darius Witherspoon - VP Marketing, DeAndre Fogg - VP Accounting/Finance
Back Row from Left to Right: Cheyenne Greene, Dorian Richardson, Roman Bullock, Markell Pitchford, Rowan Morris, Treshaun Green, Dwayne Talley, Jr., Teri Ashley, Joshua Fountain, Damyan Crews, Khadijah Brown
Executive Officer Photo from front to back: Gabrielle Kearney (CEO), Josue Virella (VP-Human Resources), DeAndre Fogg (VP- Accounting/Finance), Dameon Williams (CFO), Darius Witherspoon (VP-Marketing)
Warren County Schools is one of three school districts in North Carolina to offer Virtual Enterprises to High School students. Warren County High School's students have created "Cool Year School Year". Their virtual business is now in operation. Students have applied for leadership roles within the company and they are currently working on their business plan. Stay tuned for additional information. Check out their website, for updates