Visit from Microsoft Teals Partner

Warren County High School is partnering with Microsoft to bring Computer Science courses to our students. TEALS (Technology and Literacy in Schools places computer scientists in high school classrooms all across the country, either in person or through Lync. These technology professionals work side by side with teachers to get computer science education in front of young people. The program brings together engineers from companies across the technology industry, as well as national academic institutions to solve this problem together. It uses a team teaching model in which software engineers volunteer to educate teachers in coding literacy so the teachers can gain the technical competency to continue teaching the computer science classes themselves. The TEALS volunteers work alongside teachers to promote self sustaining computer science programs in their high schools. Our volunteers from New York are Johnny Marnell, Anoop Ranganath, Kevin Miller and Paul Sanwald. They access the classroom each morning using video cameras and Google Hangout. Last week Mr. Ranganath made the trip from New York and taught our class for a week. It was great to meet him and listen to his experience in this field.

Students communicate with the teachers from New York using Google Hangout. They work together with the students to solve problems. 

Mr. Ranganath assisted the students throughout the week. It was great to have him on site during the week. 

2014 Computer Science Class at Warren County High School

Mr. Ranganath met with Dr. Chris Withrow, Chief Technology Officer and Jon Barry, Network Manager for the school district to work out more efficient ways to use the technology to make this instructional delivery method more effective.

Warren County High School Computer Science Teacher works with the students in conjunction with the TEALS volunteers.

Johnny Manzell, Teals volunteer from New York met the team through video conferencing as they worked out the technology issues.