Career and Technical Education Month Press Release

Business and community organizations assist the teachers with the
instructional component of the academies. These partnerships provide
speakers, technical assistance, equipment, and expert instruction to
prepare the students for their career goal. The local fire department and
emergency medical services agencies have provided demonstrations and
brought their equipment to the school for students to see and use as they
prepare for their the career.

Students in the Business, Finance and Entrepreneurship Academy  have the
opportunity to take specialty courses based what type of business they plan
to pursue. Cosmetology is one program within this academy that prepares
students to operate and or open their own business. Students in this
program complete their coursework at Vance Granville Community College
(Warren Campus) and receive high school and college credit.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE          CONTACT: Ernie Conner, CTE Director
February 17, 2015                            phone 252-257-3184,

Warren County Schools Celebrates Career and Technical Education Month
9th grade students are preparing for their careers in three different in the Career Academies at Warren County High School.

[WARRENTON, NORTH CAROLINA] – Students and faculty at Warren County High and Middle School and Northside K-8 School will join others across the nation during the month of February to celebrate national Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month.  This year’s theme is Recognizing Classroom Innovators! CTE Month provides CTE programs across the country an opportunity to demonstrate how CTE educates students to be college- and career- ready and prepares them for high-wage, high-demand career fields.

Career and Technical Education programs at Warren County High School are a major part of three Career Academies that started with the 2014-15 school year. Students who attend one of the three Career Academies will be exposed to a four year high school/college academic and technical challenge. All assignments and activities are specifically designed to prepare students to earn a business and industry certification and/or credential before graduating from high school. It also gives students a head start into post- secondary training and prepares students to make an easy transition into Community College degree, diploma and certificate programs or enter the work force.

Students who enter the Career Academy must be prepared to explore different career options in the 9th grade, determine their career focus and be ready to complete very specific career preparation courses and "laboratory based" instruction in the 10th-12th grade. Students should be prepared to exhibit a proven high level of interest in all subject matter and be motivated to learn and participate in classroom discussions, laboratory assignments and projects, internships, and other work based learning opportunities. 

“The Career Academies at WCHS offer students an opportunity to take a series of high school and college classes that prepare them for their career goal. It allows them to focus on the skills needed to be competitive in the job market,” said Ernie Conner, Warren County Schools CTE Director. “By partnering with the business community, CTE programs are investing in students’ lives with the latest technology and skills that will prepare them to become successful employees as well as future leaders.”
There are three Career Academy choices at Warren County High School.

The Engineering and Construction Technology Academy prepares students for careers in the Engineering and Construction field. Carpentry, Masonry, Electrical Trades, and Solar Energy courses are available for students to take. The school also has a partnership with the North Carolina Department of Transportation that will provide courses in Highway Construction and Heavy Equipment Operation.

The Medical Science and Emergency Services Academy prepares students for careers in the medical field that includes Nursing, Nurse Aides, Physicians, Athletic Trainers, and Medical Administrators. The academy also prepares students in Emergency Service and Public Safety areas such as Emergency Medical Technicians and Law Enforcement careers.

The Business, Finance and Entrepreneurship Academy prepares students for careers such as Accountants, Advertising and Marketing Managers, and Financial Advisors. The Entrepreneurship options prepare students that are interested in starting their own business. Focus areas include, Cosmetology, Horticulture, Restaurant and Auto Service.

Students in grades 6-8 at Warren County Middle School and Northside K-8 School take exploratory classes that prepare them for high school. Programs in Computer Skills, Career Development, Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, and Bio Medical Technology and available to students at this level.

CTE encompasses 94 percent of high school students and 13 million postsecondary students in the United States and includes high schools, career centers, community and technical colleges, four-year universities and more. CTE is a major part of the solution to myriad national economic and workforce problems, such as high school dropout rates, a weakened economy, global competitiveness and massive layoffs. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly one-third of the fastest growing occupations will require an associate’s degree or a postsecondary vocational certificate. At a time when job opportunity is so critical, CTE programs in every community are ensuring students are adequately equipped with the skills to successfully enter the workforce. 

For more information about the Career Academies and CTE programs offered in Warren County, call Ernie Conner, Director of Career and Technical Education at (252) 257-3184 or Odessa Perry, Career Development Coordinator at Warren County High School (252) 257-4413 or check out the career academies website ( and the Warren County CTE website (