VGCC Pharmacy Tech Program Visits WCHS

Members of the Pharmacy Tech program at Vance Granville Community College met with students in the Medical Science, Security and Protective Services Academy to discuss an opportunity that will be available beginning with the 2019-20 school year. Juniors and Seniors in this academy will have an opportunity to complete the Pharmacy Tech Certificate in one semester while still in high school. Plans are also being made that would allow students to complete the Pharmacy Tech Diploma before graduating from high school during the 2020-21 school year. Lyndon Hall, Dean at the Warren Campus of VGCC and Odessa Perry, Career Development Coordinator for Warren County Schools also participated in the discussion. Check out pictures of the visit.

Odessa Perry, CDC for Warren County Schools introduces the Pharmacy Tech program leaders from VGCC

Lyndon Hall, Dean of  VGCC (Warren Campus)

Dr. Erica Fleming, Program Head of the Pharmacy Tech Program

Brenda Harvey, Pharmacy Tech. Instructor