51 students at Warren County High School are completing the Work Keys Career Readiness Assessment during the month of February. This state mandate requires that all Career and Technical Education Concentrators complete this assessment. A CTE Concentrator is a senior that has completed four Career and Technical Education courses, with at least one being a level 2 course. Derrick Fogg, Culinary Arts teacher at WCHS and Colleen Neuer,School Counselor are the lead testing administrators. Kyle Burwell from Vance Granville Community College spoke to these students and explained the process and the importance of having this credential.
CTE Concentrators Take Career Readiness Assessment
51 students at Warren County High School are completing the Work Keys Career Readiness Assessment during the month of February. This state mandate requires that all Career and Technical Education Concentrators complete this assessment. A CTE Concentrator is a senior that has completed four Career and Technical Education courses, with at least one being a level 2 course. Derrick Fogg, Culinary Arts teacher at WCHS and Colleen Neuer,School Counselor are the lead testing administrators. Kyle Burwell from Vance Granville Community College spoke to these students and explained the process and the importance of having this credential.